04/11 - Recordings of the workshop is available on Vimeo split in part1 and part2
19/09 - The Program of workshop is out! Check the event at here
25/08 - Check the important notes in the Registration page!
12/07 - Extended Deadline!!check it on Dates page!
19/05 - Update the Dates page!
28/03 - Follow @IWDSC2022
28/03 - The International Workshop on Distributed Cameras 2022 in coming soon ECCV2022 ... to be continued
28/03 - If you want to have a look at the previous edition 2021 go here
Smart cameras are of paramount importance for our intelligent cities where a huge amount of interconnected devices is actively collaborating to improve and ease our everyday life. This is achieved through advanced image chips and intelligent computer vision systems. Furthermore, networks of smart cameras are becoming a fundamental piece of our intelligent cities, buildings, and homes, progressively inserting themselves into our lives. In this workshop we aim to present and encourage a discussion on the latest technologies and developments of these two heavily intertwined fundamental players. This workshop aims to bring together the different communities which are relevant to distributed smart cameras, including Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Multimedia, Augmented and Virtual Reality, Human Computer Interaction, Visual Sciences, Embedded/Wearable Systems/Devices, Healthcare, Distributed and Remote Sensing, etc.. The main goal of the workshop is to provide a discussion forum and facilitate the interaction between researchers coming from different areas of competence. We invite researchers interested in these topics to join our workshop, submitting ongoing and recently published ideas, demos, and applications in support of human performance through distributed smart cameras.
Research papers are solicited in, but not limited to, the following topic areas:
Niki Martinel - niki.martinel@uniud.it
Ehsan Adeli - eadeli@stanford.edu
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