Draft Title: Large-Scale Collaborative Augmented Reality with Magic Leap 2.
Draft Abstract: While more and more Augmented Reality (AR) applications have been released over the last years, creating immersive multi-user and large-scale indoor AR experiences still remains a challenging task. In this talk, we will explore Magic Leap’s approach to enable large-scale and collaborative Augmented Reality use-cases, and have a closer look at the localization and mapping capabilities of the recently released Magic Leap 2 Headset that are essential to make those experiences possible.
Speaker Bio: Patrik Schmuck is a Research Scientist at Magic Leap, where he currently heads the company's research on large-scale visual localization and collaborative mapping. The team focuses on enabling accurate large-scale localization and mapping applications for Augmented Reality (AR) use-cases, and his work has contributed to the release of a cloud-based solution for multi-user localization and mapping for the Magic Leap 2 AR headset. Prior to joining Magic Leap, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher at ETH Zurich, from where he also received his PhD in 2020. His research at ETH Zurich focused on leveraging the robustness, applicability and scalability of Multi-Agent SLAM. His work contributed to the first live demonstration of centralized collaborative SLAM with three small drones equipped with monocular sensors, and put forth three publicly released Collaborative SLAM systems (CCM-SLAM, CVI-SLAM and COVINS).