Each paper will be reviewed by at least two members of the Scientific Program Committee, in a double-blind fashion.
The submitted papers should present original work, not currently under review elsewhere, and should have no substantial overlap with already published work. Citation of any of the co-authors’ published work must be done in the third person. Reference to unpublished work can be made by anonymizing it, including it as supplementary material, and referencing it as Anonymous.
Submissions should be submitted in PDF and should be no more than 14 pages (excluding references) following the ECCV main Conference paper format and guidelines.
Submission guidelines : ECCV 2022 Guidelines
Authors may optionally submit additional material that could not be included in the main paper due to constraints of format (e.g., a video), space (e.g., a proof of a theorem or an extra figure or table) .
Papers that are not blind, or do not use the template, or exceed the limit of 14 pages (excluding references) will be rejected without review.
All submissions will be handled electronically via the workshops’s CMT Website: CMT IWDSC2022
Accepted papers will be published in the ECCV Workshop Proceedings. Authors of high-quality papers will be invited to extend their work and submit it for a special issue in a JCR-indexed journal.